Nixie Tube Clock

100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch

100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch
100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch

100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch    100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch
Price for 100pcs used IN-17 mini NixieTubes, all tested, all work is good. The IN-17 is a beautiful and tiny nixie tube with digits 0 to 9. Its wire-ended and suitable for direct soldering into a pcb and comes usally with a colored plastic spacer. These spacers can have different colors like withe, grey, black, red.

A very special thing is the "true" 5 on this tube, its not like many russian tubes a inverted 2. Due its small overall size (about 15 x 20 mm) its suitable for projects that have to be small sized.

100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch    100pcs used IN-17 IN17? -17 mini Nixie DIY Vacuum tube clock watch